“There shall be houses, security and comfort. All people shall have the right to live where they choose, be decently housed, and to bring up their families in comfort and security.”
The Freedom Charter. In 2005 the Government estimated the housing backlog to be at 2,4-million households. Serious delays in affordable housing projects have prompted the Government to consider implementing drastic changes to the laws governing housing delivery, with the aim of removing certain identified bottle-necks.
SCIP prides itself on its ability to provide a comprehensive, quality project management and engineering design service, specifically to address South Africa’s housing and human settlement need.
Site identification
Calculate and certify 1:100 flood lines
Retention pond design
Township establishment process
Township status quo investigations
Bulk title deed investigations
Design of township services
Project management
Subsidy administration
House, subsidy, occupancy and title deed audits
Occupancy audits
Informal settlement surveys and mapping
Shack marking
Subsidy administration
Structural integrity investigations
Existing services investigations
Geographic Information System (GIS) reporting/mapping
Construction management
Contract management
Turnkey projects
Design and construct projects
Project programme and financial management
Establishment of suitable professional project team